Creamies Chocolate Frozen Yogurt Bar! A guiltless chocolate treat!

Chocolate Frozen Yogurt, the alternative to your late-night binge!

The chocolate yogurt Creamie is a delicious treat. It’s the best way to enjoy a dessert, but without the calories.

Follow the link to purchase Creamies online! 

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What Chocolate Frozen Yogurt Creamie lovers say

“I love all of the Creamies flavors but Chocolate Yogurt would have to be my favorite!” – Tawnya Reeder Harrison

Creamies Chocolate Frozen Yogurt Products

The Chocolate Frozen Yogurt Creamie comes in two options. You can get it in the 6-count box or the 24-count yogurt variety box—which includes peach, chocolate and raspberry yogurt. Right now, you can buy our yogurt bars in Utah, Idaho, Arizona, and Colorado. If you would like to have chocolate yogurt at your local grocery store, please request it from them and this will help us get it into your state and store.

Nutrition Facts